Friday, June 29, 2007

a Revelation and Night with the Boys

Day 19
- perspectives
- nap and trip to rite aid
- talked to amy (another amy, but I met her at UNR) on the phone. I haven't talked to her since I left reno, so it was nice to talk with her. I had a lot on my mind that I felt no one here understood. I came to the realization that this whole time I thought I wanted a relationship with some guy? I don't. I just want to be needed. and the last time I really felt like that, I was in a relationship with some guy. It was huge for me, and it just makes the whole "i'm single" thing make me feel better. I can now better accept that I AM SINGLE. I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm looking to be needed. Which completely opens up new doors. I love talking to her...she lets me talk about my problems and issues and allows me to come to my own realizations. and then we talked about our birthdays. Her birthday is 2 days after mine, and this year mine's on a thursday and her's is on saturday. So we're going to join together, and celebrate both on friday night. I think we're going bowling, since now most people will have a car, making transportation a whole lot easier. And then dinner will be like potluck in her room, since she's got a kitchen and whatnot. Exciting plans!

Day 20
- perspectives
- small group Tuesday – I paid for dinner, because I've been saying I'm going to do that the whole time I was waiting to get my cards. It was sooo good, the food and the conversation. Small group time rules.
- Frisbee w/ Kat, Logan, and Trevor. It's official. I can't throw a frisbee. But Trevor and Logan are good sports about it, and really trying to teach me. I'm getting better.
- hanging out w/ the guys in their suite. it was nice, because I don't socialize with the guys that often. I was in Tracy's room, and just checking out some of his photos, and then we were in Trevor's room, talking with him and Josh. We made a a lot of Jesus jokes (because Josh looks like Jesus in a lot of ways), and then Logan came and dumped a water bottle on Kat and Tracy dumped a water bottle on me. And then Jesse came in for a "guitar lesson" from Trevor. And then I went back to Tracy's room, said something that sounded really stupid, and went back to Trevor's room to hang with him and Jesse. The evening was a lot of fun for me, and I hope to do it more often.

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