Sunday, July 1, 2007

a few more days

Day 21
- perspectives (great story-teller)
- heard Brian and Jennifer’s story about getting's soooo cute!
- amber talked about cults (Mormonism, jehovah’s witness, Hare Krishna) to the group. I've never heard of Hare Krishna, and I still don't fully understand it. But we'll be going to one of their worship services this Friday
- prayer and singing with girls on roof under stars...after the lecture on cults, most of the girls at the Project went to the to roof (it's a girl's only roof), and prayed. It was really good, and afterwards we were singing worship songs to God
- In the night, I got to play Frisbee again, but this time w/ Kat, Logan, Trevor, Amy Terry, and Leigh

Day 22
- perspectives (hysterical speaker)
- Pasadena Community College, looking for an international student with Leigh...we were given two hours to find and interview an international student for our paper for the Perspectives class. I think the first hour and a half was spent searching and complaining.
- but we found a woman from China who was really nice
- laundry!
- Hollywood photo scavenger hunt – small group plus Jon the bday boy and Josh...we were given a list of things to do, mainly with a lot of strangers (such as give a piggy-back ride to a stranger walking across a busy street.) It was really interesting the people we got involved, and as soon as I get the photos from it, I'll put them up.
- we took the LONG way to get there, and everyone got sick because of the curvey roads. we were turning around this mountain at crazy angles.

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