Day 9
Walt Russell was the Perspectives speaker. He used a lot of Matthew and explained a bit about what it meant to be Jewish back in Jesus’ time, which was really cool. He had a stapled handout that made following along with him really easy. So points for him.

Homework took a long while, and I didn’t finish before group date night. Group date night (not its real name, but Jill and I call it that) is where your group and one or two other groups join and you go somewhere for the evening. My group, Bre’s group, and Jon’s group (which was just himself and Josh) went to…HOLLYWOOD!!!
Walt Russell was the Perspectives speaker. He used a lot of Matthew and explained a bit about what it meant to be Jewish back in Jesus’ time, which was really cool. He had a stapled handout that made following along with him really easy. So points for him.
Homework took a long while, and I didn’t finish before group date night. Group date night (not its real name, but Jill and I call it that) is where your group and one or two other groups join and you go somewhere for the evening. My group, Bre’s group, and Jon’s group (which was just himself and Josh) went to…HOLLYWOOD!!!
On the way to Hollywood, Bre found this car called “the thing” on the road, which happens to be her dream car. So in bumper to bumper traffic, we’re like stalking this car, to get close enough for her to take a picture. But then we passed it, so she got a really good picture of it through the mirror. But this guy in the car in front of “the thing” thought she was interested in him. And just by his gestures, you could tell he was definitely interested in her. The female population in the car screams, and it was just really funny. And then it was this constant back and forth between the guy, but we finally got far away from him. Taught her to keep her window up…
Parking was hard to find, but we finally found a place and walked to the mall nearby. It was really interesting the way it was set up. There’s an escalator to go up to the second floor, but no down escalator. It’s three stories, and it’s kinda of an outside mall. The second floor is where the food is, but there isn’t much variety. While we were all deciding where to go, this guy comes up and says he’s a comedian. He wasn’t that good, and wouldn’t leave poor Josh alone.
Leigh, Kat, and I ate at Johnny Rockets. The food was expensive, so we got water, three sandwiches, a
Spiderman told us to go down an alley to the back of Jimmy Kimmel Live because we might be able to see Nicole Ricci. So we got the group together after everyone had seen the handprints and footprints they wanted to, and headed towards the alley. It was a little creepy, and didn’t look that safe, but we went anyways. And then the security guard told us we missed her. There was a comedian that none of us had ever heard of and “some weird musician guy” that we could see, but we walked back.
The Daytime Soap Opera Emmys were that day, and we were there during the After Party (I talked to the bamboo guys about it) but we didn’t recognize anyone, because none of us watch the soaps. There was this random band singing on the side of the street for awhile, though, and we watched them for a good long while. They didn’t play original songs, stuff everyone knows like “Sweet Home Alabama.” Half of us got Coldstone,

After the long evening, a group of five us back at the dorms decided to play a game of Phase 10 instead of going to bed like everyone else. It was me, Josh, Jon, Kat, and Jesse. Jon put in a random movie in the coed lounge, which turned out to not even be in English. It was Chinese with subtitles, and it was an action movie. I had my back to it the whole time, so I didn’t have to watch, thankfully. It wasn’t until 1:30am that we decided to call it quits.
Prayer Requests: everyone at the Project continues to be open with one another
the emptiness is LA would be filled with God’s glory
Day 10
I didn’t get enough sleep which made staying awake during more Inductive training difficult. I took a ten minute power nap between Inductive training and testimony guidance. Mark talked to us about how important it is to have a 90 second testimony, a 5 minute testimony, and a 40 minute testimony, as well as when to use them. Amy Terry was vocal about the same problem I had – we don’t have a distinct moment when God changed us. Plus, I don’t think my testimony is that interesting. I don’t have any super huge moments, I wasn’t addicted to drugs, I didn’t do a lot of “bad” things, I had a hard life with my family but Christ didn’t erase that. He just gave me strength to continue on, especially when I didn’t want to. *shrugs* I have to figure something about by Tuesday to share with my small group leader.
After dinner, it was “Day-O-Fun.” This consisted of most of the girls in the shade talking and playing cards. The guys and the remaining girls played Ultimate Frisbee. I’ve never played before, nor known how to play, so it was a really fun experience for me. It was 10 on 10, and we played to 11. Like halfway through I left to get cold water out of our fridge and change. We were behind 2-4, and I suggested doing a zoning, where we’d have people in specific spots, and then depending where the Frisbee went, we moved as a unit. It worked so well, we crushed the team 11-5. It was really awesome, because my team was really encouraging, high-fiving and congratulating everyone. They called me “the vacuum” because I caught everything tossed to me, and we called our strategy the “Zeller Zone.” It was awesome! I felt like a celebrity! Haha.
After the game, we realized there were two orange trees on the property, and we picked off a lot of the oranges. They were soo good!! We were at first climbing the trees to get them, but then we threw a football at them, and that worked a lot better.
Afterwards, I finished my Perspectives homework and then took a shower. We were on our own for dinner, and everyone grouped up and did a lot of random things. My group went back to Old Pasedena for shopping and dinner. It was fun – we ate Chinese food and some gelato, and shopped at three different stores. It was like three or four hours spent in our group. It was good to bond with Amber – another person in charge of the Project – along with Leigh, Kat, and Bre.
I have to get up early in the morning, so I plan on going to bed at a decent hour.
Chalk art at
a whole new
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