I've been typing it in word the past couple of days, so it's just a copy and paste of what's been on there.
Day 1
I woke up to Jake knocking on my door asking, “Are you up yet?”
“I’m working on it…” My alarm had like 10 minutes left, so I tried to get those 10 minutes, but failed. So I got up like 8 minutes before planned. I finished packing, dressed, gave Jake a final hug goodbye, and loaded up the truck. Vanna drove me to the airport, and she and I hugged about three final times.
The security line was the longest I’d ever seen it in Reno, but it didn’t take me long to get through. I had 20 minutes left before my flight was scheduled to leave, so I bought Quizno’s for $10, and scarfed it down on the plane. I had the second to last seat in the SMALLEST plane I’ve been in. There was my seat, then an aisle, then two more seats. I appreciate Southwest a lot more now.
I get off the plane, follow the traffic of people, and am greeted by two IT Project people – Jill and BJ. Another girl – Kat – joins us, then as a group we go to baggage claim. I wait about an hour, and all I got was my sleeping bag. Reno went off the list, even. So BJ and Jill help me look for my bags. It took awhile, and the lady tells me they’re at Alaska Airlines. Who knows why… The three of us walk down that way, pick up the ONE (of two) bags there, and head back. We stop for food; I get Chinese and use the rest of my money, leaving me with only about twenty cents in pennies plus a fifty cent coin. We head back to the place where I filled out paperwork for Delta, and pick up my other suitcase.
The lady gets it from the back room, informs me “you are missing a wheel, and we’re not liable for wheels. Here you are.” Gee…thanks…Now I’m REALLY appreciative and grateful for Southwest. Fortunately, I don’t have Delta on the way back. I hope Alaska’s better.
The car ride
was nice, where Jasmine and Anne and I bond through TV, movies, and books. Saw the “Hollywood” sign from a distance, and can’t wait to get closer to it. I unpack somewhat, but am interrupted with an offer to grab food with the girls who haven’t eaten since 7am. I join, to get to know better the girls I’ll be spending the next two months with. We return to the dorms, and I finish packing just in time for dinner.
The car ride
After dinner, we were introduced to Brian (who drove me to the dorms from the airport) and the game of Frisbee Golf. It was a lot of fun. My group, because we we
The day was finished after results were announced, and tomorrow morning will be at 9am, and we’ll get our orientation then.
Not too much, besides the luggage craziness, occurred today. I’m excited I’m here, and I can’t wait to begin this journey!
Day 2
I learned the rules of the IT Project, and most of them are going to be ok. No dating is a good rule, and it’ll be hard for me, because my mind is already there…
Day 2
I learned the rules of the IT Project, and most of them are going to be ok. No dating is a good rule, and it’ll be hard for me, because my mind is already there…
Went to USC, and evangelized to two girls – one Jewish, one had her own religion. My partner was Jill, and I’m really glad I got to get to know her better.
Met with Sister Yasmine, and she called me “perfect” in another culture, which was a really big boost to my self-esteem. We had a piano concert after dinner, and that lasted until the 8pm orientation game. We played mafia, to get to know one another’s name.
My roommate – Kat – finally arrived, so I’m no longer alone! I was afraid I’d never talk with her anything, but she and I have been getting along really well so far. Her brother’s here too, and his name is John. I got to talk to him on the car ride back from USC, and he seems to be a really cool guy. I just have to keep telling myself he’s not my type. Off limits creates a temptation, but “not my type” makes me back off. Ugh…why am I struggling with this so much? I have to be TOUGH.
Ok, I REALLY need sleep, so that’s why it’s short.
Day 3
Breakfast with my roommate, followed by more orientation. A quick tour of Aylward followed by a BBQ of hotdogs and BOCA burgers.
It’s so interesting, because it’s still pretty segregated between guys and girls. Girls and guys will mingle when necessary, but given the option, they choose to stay separate. Of course there is the few minor exceptions (those who are dating) but it’s a general rule. I wonder if it’ll stay pretty segregated, or it’ll blend a lot better in like two weeks.
I’m learning how to do “inductive,” which is similar to manuscripting, but it’s still very different. I don’t like writing in complete sentences. I struggled a lot with that in English classes, especially in AP classes where I wasn’t allowed to “interpret.” Blah. Did that for over an hour, then had some group bonding, and got ready for the evening plans.
We went out for dinner in Old Pasadena, and then to a two story Target. The whole group of us divided up quickly, and I followed a girl from my small group – Samantha – who was willing to pay for my dinner. I ordered a taco and a drink. Honestly, it wasn’t enough, but I didn’t feel comfortable ordering anything more, then or after. Fortunately, the girl next to me didn’t finish her giant burrito, and I got to eat like a quarter of it, which was PLENTY for me. God provided. Again. Got to love God!
The larger group at the Mexican Restaurant divided again, based on when who was done, and my small group went to a store that sold designer stuff for bargain prices.
The two-story Target was amazing! I LOVED it, and wish I had money! But then I probably would have bought WAY too much…I was riding really comfortable in one of the vans that seat 12 people. But because we added a car, there were only nine of us. I had some really good conversations.
This guy John, who’s my roommates older brother, and I were making jokes most of the ride. I can bond alright with some of the guys, but only in the vans. Ugh…I want to speed up time to where everybody’s friends with everyone. Right now, it feels like cliques are being created, and I’m somehow left out. It could be a good thing, though; to be part of it, but not the center of it. God and I need to get reconnected, and too much IT drama will distract me. I’ve been proud of myself for my prayers, and then God has been leading me to verses in the Bible about idols. It’s kind of freaking me out, because when I really REALLY look at my life, it’s true: I have idols. I put friendships and money as idols in my life. I’m not obsessed with money, but I’ve felt very independent because of the money I have. Losing my wallet has really forced me to COMPLETELY rely on him, and set aside my pride. And not knowing anyone forces me to focus on God even more, and not get wrapped up in always hanging out with a person. Even not having internet, I have nothing better than write this on Word instead of on a blog.
I honestly have to stay away from those guys, though. Not like 10 feet away kind of thing, but in my head I have to remember that I’m not here to meet someone, and that God’s got someone in mind. I’m not to chase, but to be chased. I’m to draw close to God, not one of his creations. I am to be complete with God, and complimentary with the opposite sex. I found out tonight that most of the guys here aren’t single, and one’s even engaged. It makes me feel lonely, and I wish it didn’t. If for every ten single women, there’s one single male, then what are my chances that one would end up with me? Ugh, depressing thought. Stop it. I need to get this off my mind, but it’s like, that’s all I can think about. I get excited if I can go like six hours without thinking like it. The more I pray for peace with being single, the more I’m convicted in my heart that God is preparing me for someone. I’m not ready! I know that, and I wish I can reach the point of being content and happy with my single life, surrounded by gal pals. *sighs* It’ll happen. One day…
I honestly have to stay away from those guys, though. Not like 10 feet away kind of thing, but in my head I have to remember that I’m not here to meet someone, and that God’s got someone in mind. I’m not to chase, but to be chased. I’m to draw close to God, not one of his creations. I am to be complete with God, and complimentary with the opposite sex. I found out tonight that most of the guys here aren’t single, and one’s even engaged. It makes me feel lonely, and I wish it didn’t. If for every ten single women, there’s one single male, then what are my chances that one would end up with me? Ugh, depressing thought. Stop it. I need to get this off my mind, but it’s like, that’s all I can think about. I get excited if I can go like six hours without thinking like it. The more I pray for peace with being single, the more I’m convicted in my heart that God is preparing me for someone. I’m not ready! I know that, and I wish I can reach the point of being content and happy with my single life, surrounded by gal pals. *sighs* It’ll happen. One day…
hi my dear amy!
i don't know how often you'll get to check this or read messages, but i wanted to let you know that i'm reading and thinking about you this summer!
if you click on my name you can find my blog - to reply to an email, just click reply, my address should be already filled in.
love and miss you - sorry about your wallet...
I just wanted to say that I saw Harold on the shelf, and that made me smile. :-D <-- see, just like that.
Amy! it is different to see how guys and girls kind of stick together at IT, but there is alot to learn from it, and people will definitely mix as time goes on. As for the cliques, for the first few days everyone kind of hangs with the few people they know. by the end, everyone will be besties and you'll never want to leave.
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