Day 5
The plan was to meet up with the director of the dorms and clean for four hours, as a thank you for all the really great deals we got while staying here. However, that didn’t happen because of a miscommunication between our head guy and their head guy. So I had time to finish my Inductive that I should have finished tomorrow, take a half hour nap, and begin homework for the Perspectives class I’m taking that begins tomorrow. I chose to be in the air-conditioned coed lounge, and only Katie joined me.
Lunch was nice, and we discussed experiences of people talking in tongue. I haven’t personally experienced any of that, b
ut everyone else seemed to have a story, so it was really interesting. I then had just over an hour of free time, that I took to go online, check email, update my blog, and get ready for the beach.
Our group went to Santa Monica today, as a day of relaxation before all the hard work begins. It was funn
y when we were trying to find parking. This guy just starts moving the cones to let us in this like restricted area. And Brian pulls up, and he’s like, “where do you want me to go? Why did you do this?” And the guy replies with, “Oh! I thought you guys were extras, because of the van.” The whole van was like, “yeah, we are!” and Brian had to figure out how to get out of the tight spot he’d managed to partway get in. We were all puzzled to what it was, and Jon, my roommate’s
brother, said it was for MONK, my FAVORITE show in the world.
The water was freezing, and I enjoyed just laying on my towel in the sand while reading my book Boy Meets Girl. Until someone suggested we go walking along the beach. So we went under the pier, and found where they were filming. I took sooo many photos, practically stalking. But I got within two feet of Tony Shalhoub (the star of the show), and got some good photos of the rest of the cast. We went back excited, telling the others, and I went back with another group of people, hoping to get closer and possibly a handshake. I didn’t, but I got more photos, haha. Most of the group headed back, but the boys wanted to hang back and explore, so I joined them. T
here wasn’t too much to be seen, but Jesse found a game for his favorite tv show, and I found a hat display. The guys and I had fun trying on different hats, and I got two photos – one of John (different from my roommate’s brother) and one of Josh (who reminded me a lot of Johnny Depp in his hat).
They went back to the beach, but I hung around, and then I guess John decided to as well. I was too boring for him to hang around me (I was still stalking the cast of Monk, hoping just to say hello, because I blew my chance earlier), but there was a group playing volleyball. I finally gave up, and joined. Because I showed up, both John and I were able to join the volleyball game. I got to play almost 3 whole games of beach volleyball. I got in early enough. We lost, but it got REALLY close.
After volleyball was din
ner, and we went to a mall, and Jill was gracious enough to pay for me. Eventually, all of us were walking around the outdoor part of the mall. I didn’t have money, or I would have seriously looked at the stuff at the $15 or less store. It really was $15 for EVERYTHING, or less. So I joined Kat (my roommate) and five other guys. Two left the group to go to Starbucks, and the others kept walking, so we did too. We eventually ended at a 3-story Barnes and Noble. 3 STORIES!!! We spent a good time there, and then we headed back so we wouldn’t miss the sunset.
Leigh stopped Kat and me, concerned about another girl Samantha who was supposed to meet her at the Apple store, and Leigh had to go down to a different store. Kat ended up waiting for Samantha (who never showed up) and I walked with Leigh for what ended up being
13 blocks. To where? To a store that turned out to be closed. By then I REALLY had to pee, so we stopped inside at a random electronic store that ended up having what Leigh wanted from the closed store.
Turns out the group got cold, so not long into the sunset they piled into the vans (we have two 12 passenger vans and two cars) and realized they were missing three people. They had to wait about thirty minutes for us, and we missed the sunset. But oh well.
The ride back was nice, bonding more with the guys. I was the first one to shower, and missed singing “Ha
ppy Birthday” to a girl sharing the suite with us. Kat, Ellen (the girl across the hall from me) and I talked about everything related to boys so far this week. It was nice to have some girl talk. A lot of this I feel good, and I love the people. And then I see the happy couples, and I get lonely. I hate when I feel lonely…It’s not my time yet, and I know that. But it’s hard battling my boy-crazy mind. I spent most of my freshman year in college battling that, and have made really great progress. As I spend more time with the guys here, I see them more as brothers than prospects for a boyfriend. I love having such a large family in Christ, and it makes me feel secure as a person. We’re all focused on God, and it’s not something I get often, so I cherish the times I’m surrounded with it.
I think right now, I’m struggling most with wanting to fast-forward time, to the part where I’m greatly knowledgeable about the Bible and other countries and cultures and religions and doing
something with my life. It’s going to be an amazing experience, and I’ve just started, so why do I want it to be over already? Pray for impatience for me, please.
Special Pray Requests: my friend Mark
continue my focus on God, and trusting Him in everything
The plan was to meet up with the director of the dorms and clean for four hours, as a thank you for all the really great deals we got while staying here. However, that didn’t happen because of a miscommunication between our head guy and their head guy. So I had time to finish my Inductive that I should have finished tomorrow, take a half hour nap, and begin homework for the Perspectives class I’m taking that begins tomorrow. I chose to be in the air-conditioned coed lounge, and only Katie joined me.
Lunch was nice, and we discussed experiences of people talking in tongue. I haven’t personally experienced any of that, b
Our group went to Santa Monica today, as a day of relaxation before all the hard work begins. It was funn
The water was freezing, and I enjoyed just laying on my towel in the sand while reading my book Boy Meets Girl. Until someone suggested we go walking along the beach. So we went under the pier, and found where they were filming. I took sooo many photos, practically stalking. But I got within two feet of Tony Shalhoub (the star of the show), and got some good photos of the rest of the cast. We went back excited, telling the others, and I went back with another group of people, hoping to get closer and possibly a handshake. I didn’t, but I got more photos, haha. Most of the group headed back, but the boys wanted to hang back and explore, so I joined them. T
They went back to the beach, but I hung around, and then I guess John decided to as well. I was too boring for him to hang around me (I was still stalking the cast of Monk, hoping just to say hello, because I blew my chance earlier), but there was a group playing volleyball. I finally gave up, and joined. Because I showed up, both John and I were able to join the volleyball game. I got to play almost 3 whole games of beach volleyball. I got in early enough. We lost, but it got REALLY close.
After volleyball was din
Leigh stopped Kat and me, concerned about another girl Samantha who was supposed to meet her at the Apple store, and Leigh had to go down to a different store. Kat ended up waiting for Samantha (who never showed up) and I walked with Leigh for what ended up being
Turns out the group got cold, so not long into the sunset they piled into the vans (we have two 12 passenger vans and two cars) and realized they were missing three people. They had to wait about thirty minutes for us, and we missed the sunset. But oh well.
The ride back was nice, bonding more with the guys. I was the first one to shower, and missed singing “Ha
I think right now, I’m struggling most with wanting to fast-forward time, to the part where I’m greatly knowledgeable about the Bible and other countries and cultures and religions and doing
something with my life. It’s going to be an amazing experience, and I’ve just started, so why do I want it to be over already? Pray for impatience for me, please.
Special Pray Requests: my friend Mark
continue my focus on God, and trusting Him in everything
This is my small group!
1 comment:
santa monica! they have a great pizza place by the pier.
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