Saturday, June 16, 2007

Joy and Life

So I know I'm slacking, and I haven't even hit the double-digits! I didn't go to bed until after 1am last night. So this is the last one I've written. I need to write about yesterday and today, and upload photos. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get it all done before I go to bed tonight.

Homework is done, so I should be ok. We'll see what happens.

Day 8

I woke up at 7:45am, willingly. I wanted a morning shower, because it’s been a long time since I’ve had one. And then I had my quiet time with God, then off to optional worship (where it was music this time) and Perspectives class. The speaker today was Larry Walker. I REALLY liked him. He didn’t stay on topic very well, but his stories were absolutely amazing. I was hanging off of every word. He talked about his up bringing in the church, and the missions work he’s been a part of, and a little bit about his family.

Some of the interesting tidbits from his talk:
- the kingdom of God is like an ecosystem with its complexities
- the church focuses on a tree, and this class forces you to look at the forest
- all religions are man seeking God, EXCEPT for Christianity, where it’s God seeking man
- Jesus was more of rebel than we give Him credit for – rabbis didn’t just say “I say to you…”
- the role of the church isn’t to fix all the problems in the world; Jesus didn’t
- each of Jesus’ miracles told more about the Kingdom of God: for example, when Jesus turned water into wine – wine was the symbol of joy and life…GOD IS ABOUT JOY AND LIFE

Nothing really exciting about lunch…but afterwards instead of doing homework right away, I went to Rite Aid with a group of girls, then hung out with Jill checking out the antique shops across the street.

I started homework, after a half hour nap, and didn’t finish by dinnertime. The female leaders have a night off, so we had all afternoon and evening to do this homework, so I wasn’t stressed. It didn’t take me long after dinner to be finished with everything. But then no one is finished, and I’m left without anyone to socialize with. I want to help people with their homework, but everyone is determined to do it on their own, and most of the work is just reading, and you can’t really help someone read.

Not a very exciting day, I know. But tomorrow night will be something REALLY fun. I don’t know what we’re doing…all I know is that my group and one or two other groups are getting together to hang out and socialize somewhere really fun.

1 comment:

Burton said...

that antique store is so wierd...