Friday, June 29, 2007
a Revelation and Night with the Boys
- perspectives
- nap and trip to rite aid
- talked to amy (another amy, but I met her at UNR) on the phone. I haven't talked to her since I left reno, so it was nice to talk with her. I had a lot on my mind that I felt no one here understood. I came to the realization that this whole time I thought I wanted a relationship with some guy? I don't. I just want to be needed. and the last time I really felt like that, I was in a relationship with some guy. It was huge for me, and it just makes the whole "i'm single" thing make me feel better. I can now better accept that I AM SINGLE. I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm looking to be needed. Which completely opens up new doors. I love talking to her...she lets me talk about my problems and issues and allows me to come to my own realizations. and then we talked about our birthdays. Her birthday is 2 days after mine, and this year mine's on a thursday and her's is on saturday. So we're going to join together, and celebrate both on friday night. I think we're going bowling, since now most people will have a car, making transportation a whole lot easier. And then dinner will be like potluck in her room, since she's got a kitchen and whatnot. Exciting plans!
Day 20
- perspectives
- small group Tuesday – I paid for dinner, because I've been saying I'm going to do that the whole time I was waiting to get my cards. It was sooo good, the food and the conversation. Small group time rules.
- Frisbee w/ Kat, Logan, and Trevor. It's official. I can't throw a frisbee. But Trevor and Logan are good sports about it, and really trying to teach me. I'm getting better.
- hanging out w/ the guys in their suite. it was nice, because I don't socialize with the guys that often. I was in Tracy's room, and just checking out some of his photos, and then we were in Trevor's room, talking with him and Josh. We made a a lot of Jesus jokes (because Josh looks like Jesus in a lot of ways), and then Logan came and dumped a water bottle on Kat and Tracy dumped a water bottle on me. And then Jesse came in for a "guitar lesson" from Trevor. And then I went back to Tracy's room, said something that sounded really stupid, and went back to Trevor's room to hang with him and Jesse. The evening was a lot of fun for me, and I hope to do it more often.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sorry for the delay
Day 14
- perspectives…how to outreach to international students
- got my credit card and debit card in the mail
- remembered California rock slide and evacuation of van on Zuma beach day…[on the way back from Zuma beach, we were driving down this mountain, and traffic had almost stopped, as people were taking turns driving around the pieces of rock in the road, and we were debating inside our van whether or not to go out and pick up the rocks. but this couple in front of us gets out of their car, so Brian was like “EVERYONE OUT NOW!!” and we evacuated that van like a bus on fire. And we were all just running back and forth picking up rocks, and then got back in the van just as fast, pumped up from that. Then the cars were honking in thanks, and we were all glad we were a part of it.]
- lunch with Christine (a girl from my Perspectives class)
- Pablo (paul) and prayer
- after Paul talked about prayer, we got in groups of five (just like the 5 guys praying by a haystack). But my group was slow, so we were in the girl’s lounge until we got kicked out by an asian woman who wanted to watch tv, so we prayed in Jill’s room
- effort to go to bed early
Day 15
- perspectives with Steve Shadrach
- hour and a half one-to-one (hour long prayer walk)
- walk to rite aid – dollar cups (really cute!!)
- start on homework
- penguin stolen for “whose stuff is it” ((see conversation below))
- steve shadrach talks again to IT Project group
- logan came to the girls’ floor with cookies, Kevin with a guitar, and tracey just for fun
- “anywhere, anytime, anything” discussed w/ Katie…Steve discussed praying that God may use us anywhere, at anytime, to do anything. Not only that, but to actually mean it. Every word. It was a good discussion with her, because she and I had a lot of the same worries that hold us back from really meaning it.
Me: ok, so the penguin you got me for xmas was stolen today
Jess: WHAT?
Me: yeah. kat stole it for our game show "Who's Stuff Is This?"
Jess: oh geez
Me: and he's describing it, i'm not listening, and no one knows wat he's talking about
Me: and then he continues describing it, w/ like "he arrived 2 weeks ago, over dressed. he's got a plaid hat, and has occassional bursts of dancing"
Me: and i'm like "did you guys take my penguin??"
Jess: lol
Me: and sure enough, there he is, sitting next to jon (kat's brother) and i've got to sing the Prince of Bel-Air rap to get him back
Jess: lol
Me: however, idk the song, so I was able to get amber to help me out to sing it. a hairbrush was our mic
Jess: very classy
Day 16
- perspectives
- tennis w/ amy terry and curtis (one of three sons of one of the Perspectives speakers)
- not much time for homework before errands
…Best Buy for Sara’s camera (her’s broke on her. But she got a new one for $30 extra dollars, brought down from $70)
…Wells Fargo (to activate my debit card to finally have some cash on hand! Yay!!!!!)
- mini golf…we were going to do it in small groups, but instead we counted off, and I was in group 3. We played the 9-hole course twice. Your score from the first game determined which group you were in the second time around. Kaboom! (4th of July event with monster trucks – there are 8 front-row tickets available we have competitions for) tickets went to Amy Terry and Josh from Illinois.
Day 17
- Jewish sedar gave the Bible an additional viewpoint. We tend to forget Jesus was Jewish, but it’s so essential to understanding how true it is that He is the fulfillment of the prophecies. Plus, how different Jesus was to everything around them is so understated…
…The fishermen who became Jesus’ disciples? They were fishermen because they had “failed” being a disciple for a rabbi. Boys 6 – 10 MEMORIZED the Torah. Then, the child would seek out the rabbi whom they wanted to become a disciple for. The rabbi would constantly testing them about their knowledge, saying a verse from the Torah, and the student would have to respond with the verse before or after it. Then the rabbi chose a small group of boys saying “Come, follow me,” to the students, while the rest were told to go back to their father’s profession. So the fact that Jesus WENT to the disciples was HUGE for the culture and it was an even bigger privilege when he said, “Come, follow me.” The point of having a disciple, was to make a carbon copy of yourself, to have someone be almost identical in your beliefs and habits and abilities. Cool, huh?
[**Jacci - I impressed him with the knowledge of the difference between the two feedings of the crowds --> Jew versus Gentile. =D Go Mark I!!Day 18
- Messianic Jewish church was not as big of an experience as I thought it’d be, but it was cool. Jewish people are fun people to talk to, and I just love them.
- we went to Venice beach this time. It was kind of weird to be on Venice Beach, and see the Pier from Santa Monica because we were there two weeks ago (with the cast and crew of Monk!!)
- evangelism with Amy Terry was good. We were supposed to be with roommates, but my roommate felt uncomfortable still with the whole process and wanted the same partner as last week, so Samantha’s roommate and I joined together. We talked to this one guy who was really knowledgeable in a lot of areas – vegetables, politics, world religions – that it made discussion really good, for me at least. It was a lot for Amy, and most of it just went over her head, but he and I had a good conversation. He’s in agreement with some things, and he was just glad we were sparking conversations like that. And then we talked to two girls, one with a 4 year old daughter, and not even 20 herself. She seemed like she wanted to be back in a relationship with God, but not because of her family, and didn’t know how to do it. She wasn’t seeking after it that much, so I’m praying that she will remember Mosaic church, and get plugged in again to a fellowship.
- I got to eat dinner at a place called Sean’s Café. It was nice, and little, and priced pretty well. Under $10 for dinner, so it made me happy. It had REALLY good hamburgers and fries. And then walking back to the group, we saw this man with one arm, that’s it, on a skateboard. No wheelchair, no friends around him. It was kind of sad, but he was moving around really well. He was moving around the streets, and then was over by the bikes, and we passed him. I was the only one who said, “Hi,” and he straightened himself up, brightened up, smiled and said, “Hi,” back. It was really touching for me to see the difference in him just from a simple act of saying hello with a smile. It really made me feel blessed that I could reflect Jesus in that moment.
- perspectives homework
- only one van (10 people plus Brian and Justin-the Jewish man who talked to us about the Sedar) went out to dinner at a Mediterranean restaurant and a movie afterwards
- half of us saw Evan Almighty, the other half Pirates III. I saw Evan Almighty, and it wasn’t the best movie, but they did a really good job with what they did.
- because our movie was a lot shorter than Pirates, we went to Cold Stone and asked one another a bazillion questions…
- nancy drew fan!! (Katie from across the hall) So I’m totally addicted to Nancy Drew, the books, but ESPECIALLY the computer games. And I have found a fellow nerd! Haha. I was talking about the movie I saw, and how I wanted to see the Nancy Drew movie, and it turns out we are both really addicted to the computer games and really want to see the movie. Yay for bonding!
Day 18
- Messianic Jewish church was not as big of an experience as I thought it’d be, but it was cool. Jewish people are fun people to talk to, and I just love them.
- we went to Venice beach this time. It was kind of weird to be on Venice Beach, and see the Pier from Santa Monica because we were there two weeks ago (with the cast and crew of Monk!!)
- evangelism with Amy Terry was good. We were supposed to be with roommates, but my roommate felt uncomfortable still with the whole process and wanted the same partner as last week, so Samantha’s roommate and I joined together. We talked to this one guy who was really knowledgeable in a lot of areas – vegetables, politics, world religions – that it made discussion really good, for me at least. It was a lot for Amy, and most of it just went over her head, but he and I had a good conversation. He’s in agreement with some things, and he was just glad we were sparking conversations like that. And then we talked to two girls, one with a 4 year old daughter, and not even 20 herself. She seemed like she wanted to be back in a relationship with God, but not because of her family, and didn’t know how to do it. She wasn’t seeking after it that much, so I’m praying that she will remember Mosaic church, and get plugged in again to a fellowship.
- I got to eat dinner at a place called Sean’s Café. It was nice, and little, and priced pretty well. Under $10 for dinner, so it made me happy. It had REALLY good hamburgers and fries. And then walking back to the group, we saw this man with one arm, that’s it, on a skateboard. No wheelchair, no friends around him. It was kind of sad, but he was moving around really well. He was moving around the streets, and then was over by the bikes, and we passed him. I was the only one who said, “Hi,” and he straightened himself up, brightened up, smiled and said, “Hi,” back. It was really touching for me to see the difference in him just from a simple act of saying hello with a smile. It really made me feel blessed that I could reflect Jesus in that moment.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Internet, a clean sink, and a yummy milkshake
Day 13
- took a nap for four hours instead of homework
- small group Tuesday
- yummy milkshake and really well seasoned fries and Connals
Prayer requests:
the acceptance of being single
Monday, June 18, 2007
To the Beach!
Decent hour, that was the plan, right? Well, Kat and I were talking about our lives and about other religions, and before we knew it, it was almost 1am. Vans were rolling out at 8am, and so I had to get up extra early. THAT was difficult, but I did it. I had to dress nicely for the church service. The service was ok. Not my favorite, and I was in a lot of pain for whatever reason, so I wasn’t really focusing on the sermon that well. The bookshop they have is really good, and I was definitely impressed. I would have probably bought so much if I had anything on me. But I didn’t, so I left empty-handed.
Lunch was at a random mall, where we were able to change from our church clothes into our swimsuits and beach clothes. We went Zuma beach, which is right by Malibu Beach. On the way, half the van was playing 20 questions (it was a pillowcase, and we did it in 19) and guess the number between 1 and 100.
The beach had AMAZING waves that were just soo huge! After playing in the ocean quite a bit I calmed down by just sunbathing on my towel. I called my dad to wish him happy father’s day, and it ended up being a short conversation about how I’m supposed to help my sister with the transition from high school to college. It makes me so angry sometimes, like I’m just this tester kid they don’t really care about. And then once I’ve “done it all” THEN they’ll talk to me, so they can help my sister. Like, I’m not worthwhile enough to bother with, and my sister is this incompetent kid. At least my mom tries to care, but sometimes it feels like she’s just humoring me. She can’t relate, and is just amazed I can socialize so well. It’ll be hard going home, and part of me is looking forward to go back, but a large part of me is dreading it. My dad literally has lists going of things I’m supposed to talk to my sister about college, and help her buy whatever she needs, such as a laptop. I feel like I’m complaining a lot, and it doesn’t sound bad, but I don’t know how to get across how little my dad cares about me – I’m treated like a computer…something you turn and off when you please and use to gain information. You don’t give to the computer; you only take its information. That shouldn’t be the kind of relationship you should have with ANYONE, especially between father and son. I talked to my mom a little afterwards, but she’s so clueless about what I’m doing, she doesn’t even try to ask questions a lot. So after so long of awkward silence, I say goodbye and hang up.
Back on topic…the beach wasn’t just to enjoy another day of the beach. We had the same partners from our USC evangelism, and were sent out to evangelize on the beach. Jill talked to this guy Alex who was planning on graduating high school early. He had some really insightful things to say, and I could tell he was definitely stepping towards God, but he wasn’t there yet. But it was good talking to him. I talked to two girls – one didn’t really talk and participate and left like halfway into it, and the other one was Jewish. ANOTHER Jewish girl. She was very opinionated, but I liked it. She was open, and at the end she says, “Ok, so I have one question.” “Ok, go for it.” “So if Jesus died, and then ‘rose up again’ or whatever you believe, that makes Him alive, right?” “Yeah. But he did more than die. He descended down into Hell, and three days later he rose from the dead. He walked among his disciples and other people, and then ascended into Heaven. So He’s not just ‘alive’ walking around, but He’s in Heaven. That’s what makes Christianity so different from other religions – our King is ALIVE.” “Oh, ok…” I could tell she had wheels turning, but wasn’t ready to accept Christ. I gave her my paper, and Jill and I prayed for her.
Later on the beach, I got to see dolphins. DOLPHINS! They were so close to us, and there were like eight of them. It was so amazing to see. And then one of the pairs of girls came and told us that two girls had accepted Christ today, and we gave them one of our Bibles to keep. How cool!
For dinner, we ate In N Out, because almost no one has eaten there. It was fun to see everyone reactions to the fact there are Bible verses on the sandwich wrappers and on the bottom of the cups. And then this guy comes out of nowhere, and walks past us all saying, “Creation does not exist, the Bible is a lie, e=mc^2, the energy…” and we just froze, not sure what to do. He sat by himself for a little bit, and then a small portion of the group talked to him. A lot of us were just listening to the guy, because he wouldn’t shut up about science. In his mind, time and energy is infinity. However, God had to be created. And to create God there has to be a super-God to create him. And then you need a super-super-God to create the super-God, and so therefore religion does not hold up. He knew a lot about history, but you could also tell he wasn’t completely sane.
We left him after awhile, and back at the dorms, I saw how bad the sunburn was. Should’ve put lotion on…and I don’t know why I didn’t. Oh well. Tomorrow, here I come.
Hollywood and
Walt Russell was the Perspectives speaker. He used a lot of Matthew and explained a bit about what it meant to be Jewish back in Jesus’ time, which was really cool. He had a stapled handout that made following along with him really easy. So points for him.
Homework took a long while, and I didn’t finish before group date night. Group date night (not its real name, but Jill and I call it that) is where your group and one or two other groups join and you go somewhere for the evening. My group, Bre’s group, and Jon’s group (which was just himself and Josh) went to…HOLLYWOOD!!!
On the way to Hollywood, Bre found this car called “the thing” on the road, which happens to be her dream car. So in bumper to bumper traffic, we’re like stalking this car, to get close enough for her to take a picture. But then we passed it, so she got a really good picture of it through the mirror. But this guy in the car in front of “the thing” thought she was interested in him. And just by his gestures, you could tell he was definitely interested in her. The female population in the car screams, and it was just really funny. And then it was this constant back and forth between the guy, but we finally got far away from him. Taught her to keep her window up…
Parking was hard to find, but we finally found a place and walked to the mall nearby. It was really interesting the way it was set up. There’s an escalator to go up to the second floor, but no down escalator. It’s three stories, and it’s kinda of an outside mall. The second floor is where the food is, but there isn’t much variety. While we were all deciding where to go, this guy comes up and says he’s a comedian. He wasn’t that good, and wouldn’t leave poor Josh alone.
Leigh, Kat, and I ate at Johnny Rockets. The food was expensive, so we got water, three sandwiches, a
Spiderman told us to go down an alley to the back of Jimmy Kimmel Live because we might be able to see Nicole Ricci. So we got the group together after everyone had seen the handprints and footprints they wanted to, and headed towards the alley. It was a little creepy, and didn’t look that safe, but we went anyways. And then the security guard told us we missed her. There was a comedian that none of us had ever heard of and “some weird musician guy” that we could see, but we walked back.
The Daytime Soap Opera Emmys were that day, and we were there during the After Party (I talked to the bamboo guys about it) but we didn’t recognize anyone, because none of us watch the soaps. There was this random band singing on the side of the street for awhile, though, and we watched them for a good long while. They didn’t play original songs, stuff everyone knows like “Sweet Home Alabama.” Half of us got Coldstone,

After the long evening, a group of five us back at the dorms decided to play a game of Phase 10 instead of going to bed like everyone else. It was me, Josh, Jon, Kat, and Jesse. Jon put in a random movie in the coed lounge, which turned out to not even be in English. It was Chinese with subtitles, and it was an action movie. I had my back to it the whole time, so I didn’t have to watch, thankfully. It wasn’t until 1:30am that we decided to call it quits.
Prayer Requests: everyone at the Project continues to be open with one another
the emptiness is LA would be filled with God’s glory
Day 10
I didn’t get enough sleep which made staying awake during more Inductive training difficult. I took a ten minute power nap between Inductive training and testimony guidance. Mark talked to us about how important it is to have a 90 second testimony, a 5 minute testimony, and a 40 minute testimony, as well as when to use them. Amy Terry was vocal about the same problem I had – we don’t have a distinct moment when God changed us. Plus, I don’t think my testimony is that interesting. I don’t have any super huge moments, I wasn’t addicted to drugs, I didn’t do a lot of “bad” things, I had a hard life with my family but Christ didn’t erase that. He just gave me strength to continue on, especially when I didn’t want to. *shrugs* I have to figure something about by Tuesday to share with my small group leader.
After dinner, it was “Day-O-Fun.” This consisted of most of the girls in the shade talking and playing cards. The guys and the remaining girls played Ultimate Frisbee. I’ve never played before, nor known how to play, so it was a really fun experience for me. It was 10 on 10, and we played to 11. Like halfway through I left to get cold water out of our fridge and change. We were behind 2-4, and I suggested doing a zoning, where we’d have people in specific spots, and then depending where the Frisbee went, we moved as a unit. It worked so well, we crushed the team 11-5. It was really awesome, because my team was really encouraging, high-fiving and congratulating everyone. They called me “the vacuum” because I caught everything tossed to me, and we called our strategy the “Zeller Zone.” It was awesome! I felt like a celebrity! Haha.
After the game, we realized there were two orange trees on the property, and we picked off a lot of the oranges. They were soo good!! We were at first climbing the trees to get them, but then we threw a football at them, and that worked a lot better.
Afterwards, I finished my Perspectives homework and then took a shower. We were on our own for dinner, and everyone grouped up and did a lot of random things. My group went back to Old Pasedena for shopping and dinner. It was fun – we ate Chinese food and some gelato, and shopped at three different stores. It was like three or four hours spent in our group. It was good to bond with Amber – another person in charge of the Project – along with Leigh, Kat, and Bre.
I have to get up early in the morning, so I plan on going to bed at a decent hour.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Joy and Life
Homework is done, so I should be ok. We'll see what happens.
Day 8
I woke up at 7:45am, willingly. I wanted a morning shower, because it’s been a long time since I’ve had one. And then I had my quiet time with God, then off to optional worship (where it was music this time) and Perspectives class. The speaker today was Larry Walker. I REALLY liked him. He didn’t stay on topic very well, but his stories were absolutely amazing. I was hanging off of every word. He talked about his up bringing in the church, and the missions work he’s been a part of, and a little bit about his family.
Some of the interesting tidbits from his talk:
- the kingdom of God is like an ecosystem with its complexities
- the church focuses on a tree, and this class forces you to look at the forest
- all religions are man seeking God, EXCEPT for Christianity, where it’s God seeking man
- Jesus was more of rebel than we give Him credit for – rabbis didn’t just say “I say to you…”
- the role of the church isn’t to fix all the problems in the world; Jesus didn’t
- each of Jesus’ miracles told more about the Kingdom of God: for example, when Jesus turned water into wine – wine was the symbol of joy and life…GOD IS ABOUT JOY AND LIFE
Nothing really exciting about lunch…but afterwards instead of doing homework right away, I went to Rite Aid with a group of girls, then hung out with Jill checking out the antique shops across the street.
I started homework, after a half hour nap, and didn’t finish by dinnertime. The female leaders have a night off, so we had all afternoon and evening to do this homework, so I wasn’t stressed. It didn’t take me long after dinner to be finished with everything. But then no one is finished, and I’m left without anyone to socialize with. I want to help people with their homework, but everyone is determined to do it on their own, and most of the work is just reading, and you can’t really help someone read.
Not a very exciting day, I know. But tomorrow night will be something REALLY fun. I don’t know what we’re doing…all I know is that my group and one or two other groups are getting together to hang out and socialize somewhere really fun.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thoughts Flooding My Head
I saved a pear from last night to eat for breakfast today. However, a pear isn’t enough for breakfast for me. I couldn’t help but think about how hungry I was up until the snack break (yay for orange slices and cheese). I went to the optional worship because I have found I feel closest to God when I’m singing songs of worship. Brian had a different idea for worship, though. He wants us to be aware of different forms of worship. Today’s was silent worship. SILENT. I did a night and morning of silence at VDC, but worship in silence? We read some of the psalms in our head. It’s definitely not something I think of when I think worship, so I hope God understood it as worship…
And then after optional worship, they had “group time” where we discussed an assigned Bible passage and prayed for the people group “Tribal” and the missionaries that are out there helping them find God. It was a weird setup, and wasn’t orchestrated well, because my group didn’t get to finish reading our passage (and no one got to share what they just read and discovered) and we didn’t finish praying. The speaker – Bruce Koch [pronounced “cook”] – had a late start because of all of this “group work” and didn’t get through everything he wanted to.
Because I wasn’t impressed much by the speaker, the readings that he supported were a chore to me. Yesterday I enjoyed what I was reading, and was excited for what I was learning. But today it was just a pain. I tried to take a twenty minute nap, and was interrupted three times. Oh well, I didn’t really need the sleep, God gave me the strength and the perseverance. Two of the guys joined me for awhile in the coed lounge – Josh and Tracey. But this random dude came in, asked if he could watch a movie – and of course I said yes. I really tried to study with the tv on, but I took after the boys’ exit, and quietly packed up my things and left the man watching Meet the Parents.
I had a little over half an hour before dinner, so instead of going to my room I went to my Jill’s –my small group leader’s room. She was supposed to have three people in her room, but it’s just two. But because of the third person, they’re on the other side of the dorms. She and I just talked about plans for Small Group Weekend (IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS FOR WHAT TO DO IN THE LA AREA, LET ME KNOW!!!) before being joined by her boyfriend. Then the three of us joined Tracey, John, and Kevin for dinner.
I got to sit with Kevin, Tracey, and Brian (who’s in charge of the program), which I haven’t done yet. It was cool to talk and relate to the guys, and Brian.
Tonight was Project Night, where we had another speaker come in, and talk to just us. He’s the head guy for Christian Challenge at USC. He had a lot to say about change, and it was really good. A lot of times, especially with new Christians, we try to change our behavior. But all that does is create a wall that filters good and bad, which is based off of perspective and values, and over time builds up and will eventually break. Behavior isn’t what needs to change – it’s your perspectives and values. It’s important to know where you are. If you’re only a 2, don’t claim to be a 7. There’s growth and experiences you need if you’re a 2 that you will miss out on if you’re claiming to be a 7, instead of admitting to being a 2.
God cares about the change from inside out. And that’s what we need to focus on in ourselves.
Overall, today was alright. My thoughts are out of control, and I’m constantly praying for focus on God. My father figure is my dad. Even though we never really got along, he was there, skewing what I thought it means to be a “man.” In the almost 20 years I’ve been alive, I’ve never once seen him cry. He doesn’t understand emotions – they are “womanly” and if I’m going to succeed in the business world, I need to know how to think like a man. He’s ruthless with words, and doesn’t care about others except himself. He’s lost with his faith, and thinks fully relying on God is an example of human stupidity. How was I supposed to know that not all men are like this? This past year has been a real eye opener to me, about the different kinds of guys there are out there. A man who’s in love with God, who WANTS to pursue me, who thinks I’m not worthless….that’s not too much to ask for! My last VDC weekend was really good for me to see couples of varying ages, both in love with God and serving him individually as well as a couple. I didn’t know such a thing exists! So now to be SURROUNDED by a group of guys that are all about God, admirable character, strong-willed, and my age….Satan is having fun with me. I’m not thinking about marriage, or kissing, or anything like that. It’s more basic, more high school…it’s along the lines of “I wonder what it would be like if I could talk with him about God for an hour?” or “I wonder what HIS testimony is…” It’s harmless, but for me, it’s crossing the line. I came here with a line already drawn. I’m not here to hook up (and there’s even that no dating rule for everyone to follow) and I want to focus on God. But it just blows me away that there are even THIS many number of guys who are doing something with their life for Christ, and makes God a big part of their life.
I’m trying hard to focus on God, and letting him show me that even though the bar is set high, it’s not unattainable by the guy He’s got planned for me. I feel so, I don’t know…conceited? that I KNOW that God’s got someone for me. God has told me over and over that there’s someone for me, and right now it’s about healing from my last relationship and preparing for the new one. It’s scary to think that God loves me sooo much He has a plan of more happiness than I could ever imagine. God’s just so cool, and His majesty is just too great to understand so often…I just wish I wasn’t so focused on me. That’s a problem American Christians have… “How does the scripture apply to MY life?” instead of “How does the scripture show God’s will?”
Prayer Requests: may my thoughts concentrate on God
may God bless and guide each of us here the Project.
P.S. Burt >>> Mark Carter says “HEY!!!!” and that you’re one of the coolest people he’s ever met.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I had to get up before 8am for registration for the Perspectives class. I have a nametag that I return at the end of each lesson and pick up at the beginning of each class. There’s one speaker a day, aiding to the reading we have every day. If I took this class at a college, it’d be a once a week class that lasts 15 weeks. Here, it’s a once a day class that lasts 15 days. So it’s a lot of reading and listening, but it’s worth it.
Today’s speaker was Jeff Lewis. It’s easier to discuss this stuff in person, so I’m just going to hit the major points. He discussed Genesis 1-11 as a whole, and then Genesis 12 with God’s promise to Abraham. In Genesis 1-11 the four main stories (creation and the fall of man; Cain and Abel; Noah; the Tower of Babel) all have the same pattern: Man sinned, God’s judgment, hope of redemption.
Other main points…
- intimacy with God should include involvement with the nations
- in God’s blessing, we discover God’s purpose and man’s responsibility
- God will grant you wisdom when you continually seek after it
- developing your major in college glorifies God, and not doing so dishonors Him
- Gentiles DID have hope in the Old Testament
- Christ is calling you to something that will illuminate a part of God’s character
- Are you living your life by your personal biases or by scripture?
From 9am to 12pm is Perspectives, so we all headed over to the cafeteria for lunch. After lunch we had time to do our reading and homework. I had one-on-one time with my group leader. She taught me about it’s not about converting people, it’s about discipling people to make them disciple-makers themselves. I had until dinner to get everything done, which I did. Tuesdays is Small Group time, so we ate as a small group for dinner, then headed over to Connel’s, a fifty’s style restaurant that has decent pricing for really big portions and awesome milkshakes. It was cool to be able to discuss on a person level things going on in one another’s mind and past. After almost three hours of bonding, we worked a little on memorizing scripture. We are supposed to memorize two scriptures a week, and if possible three. We walked while praying on the way back, and afterwards dispersed for the night.
I called my mom back, because I couldn’t talk when she originally called. She had a question about luggage for airplane travel. I updated my blog, and got to talk to my best friend for a bit. I found a place that was indoors that had light, a cool breeze, table and chairs, and a place to hook up my laptop so I don’t have to waste battery. It was sooo nice! That’s my new spot for working on my laptop…homework will be in the coed lounge with the REALLY comfortable couch.
Prayer requests: focus on God in my thoughts
time management
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Santa Monica
The plan was to meet up with the director of the dorms and clean for four hours, as a thank you for all the really great deals we got while staying here. However, that didn’t happen because of a miscommunication between our head guy and their head guy. So I had time to finish my Inductive that I should have finished tomorrow, take a half hour nap, and begin homework for the Perspectives class I’m taking that begins tomorrow. I chose to be in the air-conditioned coed lounge, and only Katie joined me.
Lunch was nice, and we discussed experiences of people talking in tongue. I haven’t personally experienced any of that, b
Our group went to Santa Monica today, as a day of relaxation before all the hard work begins. It was funn
The water was freezing, and I enjoyed just laying on my towel in the sand while reading my book Boy Meets Girl. Until someone suggested we go walking along the beach. So we went under the pier, and found where they were filming. I took sooo many photos, practically stalking. But I got within two feet of Tony Shalhoub (the star of the show), and got some good photos of the rest of the cast. We went back excited, telling the others, and I went back with another group of people, hoping to get closer and possibly a handshake. I didn’t, but I got more photos, haha. Most of the group headed back, but the boys wanted to hang back and explore, so I joined them. T
They went back to the beach, but I hung around, and then I guess John decided to as well. I was too boring for him to hang around me (I was still stalking the cast of Monk, hoping just to say hello, because I blew my chance earlier), but there was a group playing volleyball. I finally gave up, and joined. Because I showed up, both John and I were able to join the volleyball game. I got to play almost 3 whole games of beach volleyball. I got in early enough. We lost, but it got REALLY close.
After volleyball was din
Leigh stopped Kat and me, concerned about another girl Samantha who was supposed to meet her at the Apple store, and Leigh had to go down to a different store. Kat ended up waiting for Samantha (who never showed up) and I walked with Leigh for what ended up being
Turns out the group got cold, so not long into the sunset they piled into the vans (we have two 12 passenger vans and two cars) and realized they were missing three people. They had to wait about thirty minutes for us, and we missed the sunset. But oh well.
The ride back was nice, bonding more with the guys. I was the first one to shower, and missed singing “Ha
I think right now, I’m struggling most with wanting to fast-forward time, to the part where I’m greatly knowledgeable about the Bible and other countries and cultures and religions and doing
something with my life. It’s going to be an amazing experience, and I’ve just started, so why do I want it to be over already? Pray for impatience for me, please.
Special Pray Requests: my friend Mark
continue my focus on God, and trusting Him in everything
This is my small group!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Day 4 - the Church experiences begins
My alarm was set, just not set to go off. So I woke up five minutes later than intended because my roommate was nice enough to wake me up at 8:20am. Oh well, I didn’t have to be in the Native American room until 9:30am. I planned it so I could have a really good chunk of quiet time. I went to one of the prayer rooms, and I wish I had an additional hour, but along with my alarm telling me it’s time to leave, I had a nagging inside me that I needed to leave. I crossed paths with Sister Yasmine, and she chatted with me for awhile. And of course I didn’t have my things for the meeting at 9:30, and I was late. But I wasn’t that late, and I just kind of placed myself at the end of a table.
John, my roommate’s brother, gave a talk on “Is Jesus the only way to heaven?” I took a lot of notes, and I’m excited to have a wall FULL of Bible verses on my wall. He discussed different religions and philosophies, and what the Bible has to say about them.
Lunch was good, and the segregation between the men and women has really started dissolving. I sat with two other girls, and then four of the guys came over and joined us. We were laughing and socializing like I really wanted.
After a somewhat short rundown of the rules of the head guy of the dorms, and a quick run through of the weight room and where emergency exits are on campus, there was four hours of free time. I went to the closed cafeteria for the wi-fi, and finally had access to email, instant messenger, and facebook – th
We went to Mosaic church in the center of LA, and I was blown away. The building has all this Mayan architecture, and while we were waiting for the service to begin, they had strobe lights. It’s at a bar, and half of it has these small tables with three or four chairs, and then the main section with m
God is just so cool. I’ve been praying for connections with people outside of my small group, as well as outside the IT Project, and He’s truly provided. I love how friendly people are, and although not everyone here is a conversationalist, a lot of them are. Or I just have enough to say to cover any awkward silences, haha.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The Beginning...
I've been typing it in word the past couple of days, so it's just a copy and paste of what's been on there.
Day 1
I woke up to Jake knocking on my door asking, “Are you up yet?”
“I’m working on it…” My alarm had like 10 minutes left, so I tried to get those 10 minutes, but failed. So I got up like 8 minutes before planned. I finished packing, dressed, gave Jake a final hug goodbye, and loaded up the truck. Vanna drove me to the airport, and she and I hugged about three final times.
I get off the plane, follow the traffic of people, and am greeted by two IT Project people – Jill and BJ. Another girl – Kat – joins us, then as a group we go to baggage claim. I wait about an hour, and all I got was my sleeping bag. Reno went off the list, even. So BJ and Jill help me look for my bags. It took awhile, and the lady tells me they’re at Alaska Airlines. Who knows why… The three of us walk down that way, pick up the ONE (of two) bags there, and head back. We stop for food; I get Chinese and use the rest of my money, leaving me with only about twenty cents in pennies plus a fifty cent coin. We head back to the place where I filled out paperwork for Delta, and pick up my other suitcase.
The car ride
After dinner, we were introduced to Brian (who drove me to the dorms from the airport) and the game of Frisbee Golf. It was a lot of fun. My group, because we we
Day 2
I learned the rules of the IT Project, and most of them are going to be ok. No dating is a good rule, and it’ll be hard for me, because my mind is already there…
Ok, I REALLY need sleep, so that’s why it’s short.
Day 3
Breakfast with my roommate, followed by more orientation. A quick tour of Aylward followed by a BBQ of hotdogs and BOCA burgers.
We went out for dinner in Old Pasadena, and then to a two story Target. The whole group of us divided up quickly, and I followed a girl from my small group – Samantha – who was willing to pay for my dinner. I ordered a taco and a drink. Honestly, it wasn’t enough, but I didn’t feel comfortable ordering anything more, then or after. Fortunately, the girl next to me didn’t finish her giant burrito, and I got to eat like a quarter of it, which was PLENTY for me. God provided. Again. Got to love God!
The larger group at the Mexican Restaurant divided again, based on when who was done, and my small group went to a store that sold designer stuff for bargain prices.
The two-story Target was amazing! I LOVED it, and wish I had money! But then I probably would have bought WAY too much…I was riding really comfortable in one of the vans that seat 12 people. But because we added a car, there were only nine of us. I had some really good conversations.
I honestly have to stay away from those guys, though. Not like 10 feet away kind of thing, but in my head I have to remember that I’m not here to meet someone, and that God’s got someone in mind. I’m not to chase, but to be chased. I’m to draw close to God, not one of his creations. I am to be complete with God, and complimentary with the opposite sex. I found out tonight that most of the guys here aren’t single, and one’s even engaged. It makes me feel lonely, and I wish it didn’t. If for every ten single women, there’s one single male, then what are my chances that one would end up with me? Ugh, depressing thought. Stop it. I need to get this off my mind, but it’s like, that’s all I can think about. I get excited if I can go like six hours without thinking like it. The more I pray for peace with being single, the more I’m convicted in my heart that God is preparing me for someone. I’m not ready! I know that, and I wish I can reach the point of being content and happy with my single life, surrounded by gal pals. *sighs* It’ll happen. One day…