- visited Buddhist temple...there was a lot of space, and a LOT of buddhas. there was even a room with over 1,000 Buddhas - it's where they had their main worship. You walk in, and right before you walk in there are two Bodhisattva you offer any of ten things to. They are, with explanation according the pamphlet I received --
INCENSE: Purifies the atmosphere as well as the mind.
FLOWERS: Cleanse and rid our body of what is unpleasant.
CANDLE (LAMP): Dispels darkness, as widsom dispels ignorance.
PERFUME (SOAP): Soothes and softens our skin, and protects us from diseases.
FRUIT: Fullfills our wishes and hastens our path toward Buddhahood.
TEA: Freshens our breath and distances us from worries.
FOOD: Extends our longevity and enhances our articulation skills.
TREASURE: Distances us from poverty.
BEADS: Make our appearance more dignified.
CLOTHES: Protect our body and provide security.
-- (You have the option of leaving the fruit there, and the monks and nuns will eat it or you can take it back with you and eat it with your family as blessed fruit.) Inside, there are th

- talked with my mom for two and a half hours on the phone, which was a big deal, because I haven't really talked with my mom in a REALLY long time.
- small group Tuesday
- walked to rite aide and Connals
- late night run with kaylen and leigh
Day 42
- dressed up super cute for live taping of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, hosted by Jeff Foxworthy. it was fun because our group got into chanting "CO-DY! CO-DY!" (it was his birthday and didn't get picked the first time around). The production crew loved us so much they wanted us back for more episodes, but we weren't available. We were sitting in the section where we're ALWAYS on camera, so come August....my group will be on TV!!
- ate a really big slice of super delicious black forest cake at a Farmer’s Market
- one-on-one with Jill, that made me confront some of my fears, and call my mom about insecurities with a relationship I have with a few of my friends
Day 43
- got up at 8am so I could go repelling. There were 15 of us total that went, and it was really great. We drove for quite awhile, but it was so worth it, to be repelling and climbing on real rocks instead of on a rock wall in a gym.
- saw Transformers, which was a REALLY good movie
- listened to Dave Riner about how to have "the easy life." Pretty much, it's a fight of the American Dream against the Great Commission
Day 44
- tried to get my suitcase fixed in the morning before everything started, but failed because he didn’t have that kind of wheel. And then he directed us to another company, but we couldn't find it.
- learned about Hinduism from Dave Riner (guy from last night)
- saw Hairspray (AMAZING beyond AMAZING movie) with Ellen, Amber, Jill, and Kaylen
- learned about mimestry while refilling water bottles for the refridgerator. Mimestry is a program that you can get a bachelor's in, that takes three years. And with that, you go to churches, teaching people how to use their mind and body to worship God similar to King David. They also act out different stories from the Bible to make the Word come alive for people.
Day 45
- Hindu temple...which was strange, because it was pretty much watching them pour different things over this idol of Vishnu, and then they ate/drank the remaining stuff from the process. It all took about an hour.
- debriefing in Subway, after using the male restroom because no one else was using it, and there was a line for the girls’
- beach…evangelizing with Leigh. We met a girl from Nicaragua, and gave her our emails. hopefully she'll email!
- dinner at Baja Fresh…talked with Mark about plans for this coming year...
>I want to partner UNR's InterVarsity with the International Students organization that's on campus.
>I want to talk to Breanna about a lot of the stuff I learned here.
>I want to ask Peggy to disciple me.
>I want to learn as much as possible with Jacob as one of two leaders for my bible study.
>I want to put my IT Bible and the bridge diagram at my desk at my job.
>I want to get Burt and Peggy to help me have discipleship become a bigger deal in InterVarsity.
>I want to find someone to disciple.
>I want to get people mobilized and mobilizing.
>I want to talk with the evangelizing team about how they're sharing the Gospel.
>I want to change the world.