- church at Mosaic on campus
- lasagna and Caesar salad and garlic bread for lunch…Jennifer put a lasagna on a burner that was on, so it steamed and bubbled like crazy until she moved it (because I noticed the burner was on)
– “the tool”
- biblical basis for missions

- Navajo tacos for dinner…totally DELICIOUS
- dating panel: it was Jennifer and Brian (who ran the whole Project) and Jennifer's twin sister Rebecca and her husband Claude. We wrote down any questions we had about dating, relationships, marriage, and the opposite sex. It was a lot of fun to hear their answers to our questions.
Day 47
- for the first time this trip, it RAINED…it rained all night and morning
- practice “the tool” again, after hearing how Claude shares it
- Amy Breeding talked about getting involved with International Students
- Kevin talked about our “World Christian Testimony” (all of us will share our 3 minute testimony over the next two days)
- Claude talked about “Exit Ramps”
- two hour period to debrief…think about what we’ve learned these past six weeks, what we want to do when we get back to the “real world,” think about what we’re going to say in our world Christian testimony
- one-on-one with Jill during and after dinner
- watched Cars with both Jons, Josh B, Kat, and Curtis
Day 48
- Jennifer shared “the tool”
- review of the THUMB
- half of us shared our “world Christian testimony”
- got out early to beat out another group to lunch
Day 49
- wrap up
- wrote and handed out small thank you cards to everyone
- short term missions
- bonfire on the beach. we got to cook hotdogs over the fire, and dessert was s'mores!
Day 50
- left at 6:30am for the airport
- Clint, a co-worker, picked me up from the airport, and drove me to a friend's house, because the house I'm staying wasn't open and no one was there.
- I got to hang out with Jake and Vanna (whose house I stayed at before I left for the Project) and Robert (who took my room after I left), and after dinner I got to talk with Jacob (one of two bible study leaders I'll be apprenticing under this year) for a couple of hours.
- About 11pm, I moved into the Lake Street house.
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